
“I haven’t seen Dad in a long time because we live far away. I love playing football with him”.
– Boy, 9 years old


Participating in the 2024 edition of Game with Mum & Dad will be Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain (Catalonia), Switzerland and the UK (England and Scotland). More are likely to join later in 2024 and in 2025. Do get in touch if you’re interested in joining.

2024 – Mission Statement: Alternative Sociale has been working to raise awareness on issues resulting from the interaction of children with the justice system, either as victims, perpetrators or from having imprisoned parents, since 1997. 

2024 – Mission Statement: Bambinisenzasbarre strives to promote and maintain the bond between children and their imprisoned parents. 

They offer prison-based projects such as support groups or individual counselling and child-friendly visitsand have developed an innovative model revolving around football games to strengthen the child-parent bond: Game with Mum & Dad.

2024 – Exodus provides shelter and support to ex-prisoners and those in the final months of their imprisonment. It works with the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Correctional Institutions. Exodus houses throughout the country provide a safe haven for those just out of prison, part of the recuperative program is a focus on rebuilding relationships. Their Parents, Children and Detention Project facilitates monthly child-friendly visits to imprisoned parents.

2024 – Families Outside works to improve outcomes for children and families affected by imprisonment in Scotland. Our vision is for families to be treated with justice and fairness so they can live lives free from stigma and disadvantage.An advocacy and awareness group for Scottish families affected by imprisonment. Provides direct support to families via its national Helpline, regional family support teams, and peer support

2024 – Hoppenbank e.V. is a recognised association operating in free assistance to those in conflict with the law in Bremen since 1971. One of their main tasks is to support former prisoners, those imprisoned and those at risk of imprisonment to find a job and reintegrate into society. As part of many different projects, we take care of an average of 2,500 clients annually. We assist in the fields of job seeking, activities, release preparation, addiction counseling, housing and confinement avoidance. 

2024 – Mission Statement: Czech Prison Fellowship offers a broad range of support to all those affected by crime to victims, to prisoners, to released prisoners, to families, and especially to the children of prisoners. 

2024 – Probacja helps and supports prisoners, their families and children affected by imprisonment; to change social awareness among citizens and the Government.Supervision of a small number of probation cases allowing for a real impact on the lives of prisoners. Organisation of parenting programmes for imprisoned parents.

2025 – Aproximar is a non-profit organization aiming to enhance organisations’ social and human capital as a strategy to develop their capacity to take advantage of challenges and opportunities raised by the environment in a sustainable manner, including the training of prison professionals and other initiatives within the criminal justice system. 

2025 – Child and Space Association has been working on the topic of children with imprisoned parents since 2015, when we initiated, for the first time in Bulgaria, the project “Preparation and Support for the independent and full life of freedom” to work with parents – mothers in Sliven prison. The idea of the project was to reduce the risk of recidivism and of family separation during the mother’s sentence and following release. On the other side, the involvement of prison staff in these activities is so important and should be encouraged in an effort to support parental care that meets the specific needs of the child, to preserve and strengthen it, and to expand communication and contact with families, in order to facilitate reintegration.

2025 – The Relais Enfants Parents Romands (REPR) gives support to families of detainees and raises awareness about imprisonment and its effects on children and families. It is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that welcomes families before and after visits and accompanies children to the visiting rooms. Their staff of psychologists offers individual, couples or group counselling.

2025 – Mid-Dlam Ghad-Dawl is the Maltese phrase of “From Darkness to Light”. This name was chosen by the founders of our organisation to express their hope in the future. The Organisation was founded on April 10, 1995, by a group of prisoners held at our local Corradino Correctional Facility in Paola, Malta. The original aim of the founders was to help themselves and their families undergo the prison experience  with more dignity and self esteem. In August of that same year, following their release from prison, two of the leading founders continued the group on the outside, thereby coming into close contact with the non-government organisation Daritama. In this way, the group became part of a larger organisation under the leadership of Rev Dr Mark  F Montebello OP. This close relationship ended on December 9, 2008. The organisation extends its services to prisoners, their families and ex-prisoners. In Malta, especially in these last years, MDD has worked closely with many support agencies especially IFT Malta (Institute of Family Therapy). 

2025 – POPS provides a variety of services to support anyone who has a link with someone in prison, prisoners and other agencies. POPS provides assistance to these groups to enable them to cope with the stress of arrest, sentence, imprisonment and release. POP works as part of the i-Hop network of organisations in the UK and operated both on a regional and national level. It provides support and information to prisoners’ families from the earliest stages of involvement with the criminal justice system.

2025 – Life without Crime (Rikoksettoman elämän tukisäätiö or RETS) is a national expert organisation and service provider. The purpose of our work is to ensure that ex-offenders and their loved ones receive the support they need, that their rights are fulfilled and that recidivism is reduced. State and privately funded.

2025 – NIACRO works to reduce crime and its impact on people and communities. Offers support to people and communities affected by crime.

2025 – Promotes social welfare answers that help individuals to value themselves and their welfare and facilitate their inclusion in society. CASPAE carry out, among others, projects devoted to the promotion of the rights of children with imprisoned parents. 

Projecte Nius is an artistic-pedagogical project established as a non-profit association, which has been working since 2019 inside and outside the penitentiary area, fostering healthy, respectful and quality bonds between families, professionals and institutions through art.

Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror – ARSIS is a non-governmental organization that was established in Tirana on February 2016 as an inherit of ARSIS – Social Organization for the Support of Youth, branch of ARSIS in Greece (established in Tirana in January 2006). Ever since Nisma has transformed itself into an influential non-governmental actor in the civil society sector in Albania and beyond.

Aangan Trust is a diverse team with 22 years of ground experience working in the most vulnerable regions of India. It works with government departments, community groups and civil society partners across India to make keeping children safe a priority for everyone.

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